Can you say addicted to CFT’s???

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Since I bought the plans to build a continuous flow through (CFT) I have been amazed at the amount of material each bin will process, which in turn provides plenty of vermicompost (worm castings).  The VB48’s that I just built when they are ready to produce castings will drop two (2) five gallon buckets each week. WOW!  Now that is a lot of material going in and then coming out….all courtesy of the hardworking red wigglers and indian blues that I stock in each bin.

Due to the confidentiality section of purchasing the VB plans I cannot share the details in making these bins.  I am limited on what I can share with you as well.  But here are a few pictures and then a picture of the finished product.CFT1 CFT2


New VB48These 2 new additions now take me to a total of five (five) CFT’s.  Three are VB48’s, one is a VB24 and the fifth one is a freezer converted into a CFT.

I am now ready to build another one!  Yup, Can ya say addicted to CFT’s????